Via Mistica

Chapter I - Nice Beginning
      It was one winter evening, when Marcin picked up the phone. Astonished, he heard nice voice of a female: 'Hi, I'm calling for the advertisement. Are you still looking for a vocalist?' Of course yes, we've always dreamed about it.

      Katarzyna proved she's not only the good vocalist, but a great cello player too and she's been writing texts and melodies. She gave a new face to the group and her beautiful voice exactly filled out our music. When Katarzyna joined the group, VIA MISTICA was born.

      In a short time we made some songs and after three months of playing together, we tried us out on the Bialostocka Wiosna Muzyczna '98 music enterprise. It was a really challenge and test for us, and it was our debut. Jury appreciated our music while giving a chance to play in the finish of the party. After that, full of enthusiasm, we came back into our cellar, where we recorded first demo. In the meantime we played some concerts in Biaystok and neighborhood. We made a lot of followers and adherents, and we get listeners' goodwill. After 6 months we changed the drummer. Our second player - although fist he was really co-operative - he left after month. Since then, black clouds has hanged up above our heads. VIA MISTICA lost its stabilization, because the group's lineup was changing once a week. In one year we had o lot of drummers, bassist, even a keyboardist. It's hard to remember, it was too many people here. Instead go ahead, the group stopped and was standing while teaching new people our old numbers. No understanding between the group's members, arguments and atmosphere, in what we fell, made us completely broken and discouraged to do anything. But buy the way there was born an idea to record the stuff in a studio. We started working. Our friend - Sebastian from IN EXTREMIS group - played drums. Working with the material was about 2 months. In May we came into the Hertz studio to recapitulate our activity and to mature as musicians. Recording the material to CD 'In Hora Mortis Nostre' took us 4 days of a deadly toil. All stresses was efficacious taken away by Wojtek and Sawek, owners of the studio. After the recording session we had to stop working in the studio because of reason stricte economic, so we made a little interruption for making some money. This time Katarzyna has got married, so we all had fun at the wedding. In August we came back to the Hertz studio, to finish what we has begun. All that what we did was pretty good, although we could work harder with some things.

      In September, a drummer joined us and remained. It caused new possibilities. We started really hard working again. The revival of VIA MISTICA came. We send 'In Hora...' demo to different publishers and we've just made a contract with MORBID NOIZZ PROD. What will be next? We're sure it will be only better...

Chapter II - Usual Reality
      Since making a contract with Morbid Noizz, lots of time has flown. After revival period, if we talk about concerts, it means winter and spring 2000, there was some interruption. First advantages of co-operating with Morbid Noizz were playing at the Castle Party in Bolków and interview posted in Morbid Noizz Mag. Appearance in Bolków has been first (and, so far, last) so big enterprise we've been to. It was noted favorably. Since October we've started working with first VIA MISTICA's studio CD. But, unfortunately, if we talk about recording studio CDs ( or maybe if we talk about co-operating with Morbid Noizz ) everything's going so slowly...

      After appearance at the Castle Party in 2000, we've played only one concert. The enterprise was at the 2nd December and then VIA MISTICA first time appeared in 6-people lineup. The new member of the group was Grzesiek, the keyboardist. First he came just for a one concert, but he remained and became an official VM member. But in December we've got lineup changing again - Jacek Bartnicki, a founder of the group and co-composer, left us. Instead him, Marek Przybyowski, from STYGMAT group, became our guitarist. Since January - with new VIA MISTICA members - we've started working at the recording stuff for the first CD.

      In the meantime it proved that year 2001 won't be full of our concerts and we won't play at the Castle Party... The reason is called Tomek and he was born just a few days before the festival. We hope that new member of Kasia's family won't be too big obstacle for her if playing with VIA MISTICA.

      In August 2001 working with the new CD was finishing. It's now just only do a mix and mastering. A date of a premiere isn't known yet. Maybe it'll be in this year... We're hope VIA MISTICA will wake up from this marasm...

Chapter III - Changes And New Hope
      Unfortunately, after some time our hopes with the CD disappeared. In Morbid Noizz Prod. some strange things happen. Its owner promises us, that our material was sold to some big western publishing firm and we shouldn't worry, just wait. But it was only delusions - after long, long time trying to contact with the publisher, we hear that Morbid Noizz does not exist anymore and all our work with the CD have just gone away.

      That situation made lots of uncertainty and misunderstood. Members of the group ABUSED MAJESTY leave us. Instead them new people appear: Adam - drums, Iwan - bass and Pawe - keyboard. In that new lineup we decide to try to find a new publisher. It brings effects - we give a receive from the Metal Mind Productions, it's interested in co-operating with us. In the meantime lineup changes again. Adam remains as the only one from the new members. Jarek from APOKATASTASIS joins us as the bassist and other Jarek as a keyboardist. In May 2003 we made a contract with Metal Mind Productions and at the 27th June 2003 'Testamentum (In Hora Mortis Nostre)' was born.

Chapter IV - Stabilization
      After edition of the first CD it proved that material we made so far is sufficient to make an another CD. It was a mobilization for us to start to work with the new album. In the meantime, while having a full lineup again, we tried to play as much concerts as it was possible. We were driving everywhere we could drive. A period of working and inspiriting ourselves has begun.

      We've fast proved we're the best lineup ever before. In 4 months we made all the material for the second CD, called 'Fallen Angels' (first we wanted to call it 'Nox'). Before entering the studio we've got a hard period. We've done everything best, we wanted to be prepared great. After 2 weeks in the studio - 2 weeks full of work - we closed the recording session. At the 28th June 2004 'Fallen Angels' appearances and its publisher is Metal Mind Productions again.

      A few months since editing the CD, the biggest event in out career has happened. We played at the Dark Stars Festival 2004. Although we couldn't go away for whole month, we decided to play a part of the tour. It was a great adventure and nice learn. We made new friends and we appeared for bigger community. We came back home really tired and exhausted, but full of enthusiasm and new ideas for the songs.

      We decided to record w third CD at holidays, so we're working hard with the stuff. We're trying new things and we think about the title. We're peaceful and confident of what are we doing, and we like working and creating together. Effects of this time should be a CD of new beginning songs. What will be the result of our trying, we'll see soon...

Chapter V - Questions about future
      Not at the holidays, but a year and a half later we started recording the third CD, called 'Under My Eyelids'. That's the effect of long consultations and it's been making for about a month. Only one thing was known - the CD's created with one main topic: dream. This is the motive which integrates the album, it's all one long night made of next visions, sometimes nightmares, dreams.

      In the meantime we played some concerts. We've been showing our new material, which is now on the CD. Three main concerts was the one with Artrosis, Lebenssteuer and Red Emprez in the Gwint club (Biaystok, June 26, 2005) and two appears on the Abracadabra Gothic Tour (Toru, October 7, 2005), when we played with Closterkeller and Artrosis. Those concerts was mainly for present new songs.

      Later it was time to realize our ideas. We made it - the third CD is one integrated entirety. We put in order the songs, made all insertions and bindings. It was totally a new work for us. We've been meeting in Marek's house between the trials and we've been recording ideas for guitar, cello, violin and keyboard. It was interesting and effective time. We've been working long with the CD and you can see effects while listening to the CD.

      Now we're thinking about the future, what to do after the contract's ending, how to manage our continuance... We're dreaming about great tours and concerts, but would it come true?

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